Pieces of Rhys

Pieces of Rhys - L.D. Davis I really enjoyed this little gem. In no way did I expect to like it as much as I did. The storyline has been done many times over, but it still sucked me right in and something about the way it was put together made me smile. I loved Lindsey. She's smart, sarcastic, and talks to meatballs. (What's not to love?) Rhys was hot, sweet, and sexy. There are things that bothered me or didn't seem to mesh...like Lindsey is really insecure, but yet she is able to stand up to her incredibly abusive ex. It is a relatively short read, so it jumped right into the storyline. I would've liked a little more character development, especially with Rhys. However, the good far outweighs any negative IMO. I wouldn't hesitate to read this author again.